At Objective Wealth’s core is adding value to your financial decisions because of our advice.  We know that the best way of measuring value is through the level of our fees and we work on fixed fees based on the services you require.

Most Financial planners and Wealth managers work on a percentage basis where an investor with £500,000 would be charged double that of someone with £250,000 even with the same amount of work involved.  We believe this is unfair.

We will confirm the level of fees once we have assessed your requirements following our initial free consultation, however, here are a couple of examples of our fees:

Client example: Married couple both aged 45 require financial planning with the aim of retiring in their early 60s and want to know if they will have enough money.  They have two pension plans from previous employment and both have workplace pensions.  They also hold stocks and shares ISAs one earns £30,000 and one earns £120,000.

This is based on a portfolio of pensions and ISA worth £250,000.